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White Structure


Case Presentation

A 66-year-old man with a previously diagnosed giant arachnoid cyst presented at the clinic for further assessment and therapeutic counseling of mild, gradual short-term memory deficits.

Imaging Discussion


The magnetic resonance images for diagnosis were acquired on a 1 T MAGNETOM Harmony whole-body scanner (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) using a standard head coil. For diagnostic purposes, a sagittal T2 turbo spin echo (TSE) sequence was acquired.


A coronal 2D T1-weigthed spin echo (SE) sequence was acquired. The detailed anatomical information provided by this sequence can help in assessing the size and location of the arachnoid cyst, as well as its impact on surrounding brain structures.


  • FLAIR imaging is beneficial. FLAIR a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence used to assess lesions in the brain parenchyma and meninges. 

  • Arachnoid cysts contain CSF-like fluid with very little to no protein. On FLAIR images, these cysts are suppressed and appear darker, which helps distinguish them from other types of lesions

What we are looking for?

Brain MRI showing a large left frontotemporal cerebrospinal fluid-filled cyst with a cross-sectional area of 6 × 14 cm compatible with a Type III arachnoid cyst after the Galassi classification of middle cranial fossa arachnoid cysts: a) FLAIR axial, b) T2 TSE sagittal, and c) T1 SE coronal view. The cerebrospinal fluid-filled cyst appear dark in FLAIR axial and T1 SE coronal view. It also appear bright in T2 TSE sagittal sequence.

Brain Injury

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